Biodesign Institute

Biodesign Center for Innovations in Medicine

Biodesign Center for Innovations in Medicine

Learn more about your impact

Your donation will help make the possibilities for cancer research limitless, from creating a single vaccine that prevents virtually all types of cancer to treating oncoming illness before patients experience symptoms. Your contribution is essential to the expertise of the Center for Innovations in Medicine and its history of innovation, making it possible for our researchers to focus on the improvement of medical diagnostics and treatment and the prevention of disease.

I want to better myself and help set an example for my family."

Liliana Valdivia, first-generation alumna, The College of Liberal à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã and Sciences

Impact of Donor Support

  • Donors bring the world’s brightest minds to à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã by supporting endowed chairs and professorships.
  • Leaders rise to the top. The Tip of the Fork program enables Sun Devil student-athletes to develop leadership skills through volunteering in their community.
  • Entrepreneurship thrives at ASU. Two examples: The Prepped program supporting minority entrepreneurs has fueled 100 small businesses.
  • And the Edson Student Entrepreneur Initiative has supported 1,000+ students and 297 unique ventures over 15 years.

Many of these students have gone home where they are successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, venture capitalists, impact investors and senior government officials. The come home with a powerful American business education taught in a culturally sensitive environment, and respectful of the nuances of our cultural differences."

Marshall Parke

'77 master’s in international management, whose established the SHARE fellowship program providing scholarship and mentorship support to students from emerging markets around the world

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